najayama yoga

najayama yoga
artwork by michelle bellerose


I'm a novice yoga teacher (CYT200) involved in an on-going synthesis of structural anatomy, bodywork, spontaneous movement and shaking, posture strikes, and lone wolf exploration with qi (differentiated somatic energy) and reiki (undifferentiated universal energy).

The goal is not perfection, glory, or achievement, but long burn presence in the moment, ease in the body and the response-ability of mind which create the space and grace for growth, change, and understanding.

bhujangalika: not the usual music for yoga

michelle bellerose is a certified yoga and qiqong teacher and composer of original music for movement and restoration. advocating a slower, more mindful approach to mat work and the self-responsible harnessing of inner serpent force. the practice, principle and cultivation of this mindful harnessing she's called NAJAYAMA YOGA. she also writes a blog on holistic arts and sciences called MAVERICK MEDICINE BABE.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

indirect achievements

in yogic mat work, the heart of any given pose strike and the best way to unpack the genius of the subtle technology on offer lies in doing the apparent opposite of the outer aim. an important example of this is spinal elongation. the only way to achieve this is by constantly bringing vigilance to the scapulae. the shoulder blades want to rise up, especially in concert with the arms. the scaps are best drawn back down and in towards the spine throughout one's practice. by virtue of the kinesthetic circuit that goes down to go up, this permits the spinal bodies a vertical purchase and decongests the paraspinals; it also brings the breastplate out of its tendency to sink and trap the lungs in shallow breathing, and stretches the fascia along the collarbone in an area where we tend to constrict the upper lung tips.